These Simon Says Stamp dies are usable in nearly every machine on the market. Use wafer dies on cardstock, felt, fabric, even shrink plastic! You can use wafer thin dies to cut, stencil, emboss and create!
The largest die in this set is approximately 4 x 4 inches and the smallest is 0.5 x 0.5 inches.
This set of wafer dies is part of a series of rectangles, squares and circles. The unique thing about these dies is that the stitches are on both sides of the cut line. That means, depending on which paper piece you pull from the cut, you will have stitches to the left or right of your cut line. You can also use a magnetic spacer or washi tape in order to achieve shaker box frames. If you do not separate the dies, you can create several frames with stitches on each side of your cut lines.